Careers : Recruitment Process | What We look for | Why Work with Us
Careers - What We look for

It takes a certain type of person to thrive in Aron Global.

This is an environment which is friendly, fast and demanding, and definitely not for your average candidate. The secret sauce of people who would be successful with us would have the following ingredients.

1. Execution

Ability to work long hours on the field and enjoy getting their hands dirty. Must be able to multi-task and yet have an eye for detail. Exhibits determination that comes from within and results in superior execution performance.

2. Leadership

The leadership skill set to effectively manage and lead a team of expatriates / country staff in countries far removed, in distance as well as in cultural environment, from their native country.

3. Intellect

Thinking skills to develop effective strategies and manage risks in context of the business which is in their span of control. Over time must develop the ability to influence larger company level strategic decisions.

4. Ownership & Team Playing

Manages the business as if running his own business. Works well with teams across geographies to meet mutually important goals. Learns and shares learning for the larger good of the company.

5. Entrepreneurship

Exhibit commercial skills, the courage to stick one’s neck out and take bold initiatives to create value for the organization. Focussed on the task at hand and yet has the courage to take calculated risks, some of which may go wrong.
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